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If you are looking to untie the marital knot effectively and without drama or expense in Lee County, Florida, family law attorney Guillermo Mancebo can guide you through an uncontested divorce.

Marriage is difficult and complicated to navigate, but its end can be even more daunting. Despite your best efforts, things might just not be working out, and now you want a fresh start and a clean break. But everything you have seen about divorce on TV and in dramas is terrifying. Fortunately, divorce does not have to be lengthy, painful, or expensive…if you tackle it right and get the right help.

Guillermo is a Miami-based lawyer who believes the law should serve, efficiently and effectively, the needs of couples and businesses alike. Legal procedures like divorce should not be a burden or barrier to their needs and transitions.

As a result, his firm offers simple, clear, and, above all, efficient guidance through uncontested divorces. By working with him, Lee County couples will have the best possible chance of a smooth separation and a (relatively) easy divorce process.

Why Get An Uncontested Divorce In Florida?

When the media portrays divorce, it tends to favor long, protracted battles with lawyers arguing over every minor detail in court. Most divorce lawyers love that; after all, they get paid by the hour. But the truth is that divorce does not need to be so dramatic or so expensive.

An uncontested divorce occurs when both you and your spouse come to an agreement about the conditions of your divorce and get that agreement submitted directly to the court rather than arguing over the conditions in court and having the judge make a decision. That would be a contested divorce, and it is best avoided at all costs.

Uncontested divorces are:

  • Faster, as you will not have to go to court over every decision.
  • Cheaper, as you will have fewer legal fees and no court fees.
  • More certain, given that the ultimate decisions rest entirely in your hands, not a judge’s, you will never get an outcome you cannot live with.
  • Less stressful and emotionally draining, while no divorce is easy, an uncontested divorce is far less demanding and lets you move on much faster.

But how do you get one? That is where family law attorney Guillermo Mancebo can help.

How Can I Get An Uncontested Divorce In Lee County, Florida?

A sepia-toned open book titled "FAMILY LAW" with scales icon and eyeglasses. Once you and your spouse have decided that the time has come to part ways legally, you can start down the path to an uncontested divorce. It is worth noting, however, that this will inherently have to be a mutual decision, though not one both parties need to be happy about.

1. Step 1: Talk Through Your Divorce

You cannot sneak up on your spouse with an uncontested divorce. You will need their approval and agreement on all terms and should see it as a mutual and cooperative process, even if you are completely at odds. Discuss your priorities with them and your reasons for getting the divorce. The more things you agree on beforehand, the better. But you do not need to be on good terms for this; uncontested divorces can occur even in very dramatic breakups. One client of family law attorney Guillermo Mancebo had been married 25 years before she discovered her husband has a second, secret family. Nevertheless, they got an uncontested divorce because he agreed to almost all of her conditions just to get the process over with. After all, you do not need to agree on absolutely everything; your lawyer can help you work out a compromise.

2. Step 2: Work Out The Uncontested Divorce Agreement With The Help Of A Family Law Attorney

Even before you think you have reached an agreement, you should contact a family law attorney to help guide you through the process. While it is technically possible to file an uncontested divorce entirely on your own, it is probably not a very wise idea to do so. For one thing, an uncontested divorce has just as much at stake as a contested one. Your future, finances, property, and children may all hang in the balance. As a result, it is best to have your agreement discussed, reviewed, and, if possible, written by an experienced attorney. This is the step during which you can benefit the most from the experience of a divorce attorney like Guillermo Mancebo. He will ensure that your agreement is fair, meets the criteria of the court, and protects your and your children's interests. He can even help you negotiate the fine print, such as suggesting a distribution scheme for your assets or dotting the is and crossing the ts on the finer points of child support and visitation agreements.

3. Step 3: File The Divorce Agreement In Lee County, Florida

Once you have done the hard work of reaching a mutually agreed-upon decision for all the details of the divorce, the final step is fairly straightforward. You must file the written (and signed) agreement with the court and wait for approval.

A family of six sitting on a bench, enjoying each other's company in a park. If you have had the agreement prepared by a qualified family law attorney like Guillermo Mancebo, then there is very little chance it will not be accepted. If you filed it yourselves online, it might end up getting sent back for clarifications or minor errors. Either way, it is just a matter of time before you will officially be divorced. In Lee County, you should currently expect two to three months of court review time, as everything has been backed up since the COVID-19 pandemic.

Call To Get One Step Closer To An Uncontested Divorce In Lee County, Florida

Mancebo Law And Title will help guide you through a smooth, efficient, and affordable Lee County uncontested divorce. Whether you are just starting to think about a divorce in Lee County or have already gone over most of the agreement, the sooner you contact an attorney, the sooner you can finalize your agreement and move on with your lives. Some family law lawyers might want to draw out the process to pad their pockets, not Guillermo Mancebo. He wants the same thing you do: a fast and efficient way to get closure and begin the next chapter of your independent lives. Call (305) 363-6066 for a smooth and affordable uncontested divorce in which your interests and assets will still be protected.

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